Travel Options from Koh Samui to Bangkok

Koh Samui from the sky

Last Updated in 2024

Planning your travel from Koh Samui to Bangkok? We’ve got you covered! Here are four options to consider, each with its unique blend of comfort, cost, and travel time.

Flight to Bangkok from Koh Samui

The quickest but most expensive option is a direct flight. Bangkok Airways operates multiple flights daily, with a one-way ticket costing around $130. The flight duration is a mere 1 hour and 15 minutes, and the airline’s service, including its tasty snack, is recommendable.

Ferry + Bus

This option will transport you to Bangkok in approximately 12-13 hours, depending on the starting port and the company. While this is not the most comfortable option, especially on choppy days, it’s a viable choice for those on a tight budget. The cost is around 1200฿-1400฿ ($38-$44).

Ferry + Van + Train

This option is a bit more comfortable but also longer, taking around 18 hours. A ferry will transport you to the mainland, and then a van will take you to the Suratthani train station. From there, a train will take you to Bangkok. The train departs at 18:37 and arrives at 06:30, allowing you to get some sleep during the journey. The price ranges from 2289฿ for a first-class train ticket ($72) to 1758฿ for a second-class ticket ($55)

The price goes from 2289฿ for a train first-class ticket (72$) or 1758฿ for a second-class ticket (55$).

Ferry + Van + Flight

This is our preferred option, as it offers a good balance of cost, comfort, and time. The entire trip can be completed in around 6 hours, depending on your flight’s waiting time. A Seatran Ferry will transport you from Na Thon port to the mainland, followed by a van ride to the airport. From there, you can catch a flight to Bangkok. Thai Smile and Thai Lion offer economical flights. The price for the boat and van ranges from 230฿ for the early boats to 400฿, plus $30-$40 for the flight. In total, you’ll spend around $40-$50, making this option almost as cheap as the Ferry + Bus option but significantly more comfortable and faster.

Happy traveling!

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